LiquidFeedback Journeys 

We explore digital democracy from a variety of perspectives. We focus on democratic self-organization and community involvement—keeping it engaging and fun. Our discussions cover topics like deliberation, informed decision-making, liquid democracy, and more. We're delighted to showcase LiquidFeedback, a comprehensive framework for integrated deliberation and decision-making. Through a unique blend of stories, insights, and a mix of words and music, we bring these ideas to life.

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Algorithms for Good

on October 15, 2024

The first episode opens with "Algorithms for Good," which draws inspiration from the eponymous article by Andreas Nitsche. The accompanying song is "Digital Dawn." We hope you enjoy this inaugural episode.

YouTube | Algorithms for Good

A Letter from LA

on November 14, 2024

Our second episode features “A Letter from LA,” followed by the “LiquidFeedback Rap (Ambient).” The emphasis is on staying engaged and informed, creating a more participatory, respectful democracy where everyone has a fair chance to be heard.

YouTube | A Letter from LA

The Great Taco Debate

on December 10, 2024

Deliberation and informed decision-making is the focus of the third episode in our podcast series. The "Great Taco Debate" among high school students highlights the empowerment that can come from deliberation leading to an informed decision. This uplifting experience is reflected in the song "Para todos hay un taco." Enjoy!

YouTube | The Great Taco Debate

The Chalice of Voices

On January 6, 2025

With quill in hand, or by the finger’s touch,
the learned and the lowly cast their will
upon the waves of this translucent sea,
to see it swell and guide the ship of state.

Yet not alone doth each man stand, forsooth!
A proxy may he choose, a champion
to bear his banner high upon the field.

YouTube | The Chalice of Voices

Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy)

On February 19, 2025

As one of the world's oldest participatory democracies, the Haudenosaunee shaped modern democracy with a system of government centuries ahead of its time. From influencing the U.S. Constitution with principles such as federalism, checks and balances, and bicameralism to their visionary "Seven Generations" approach to sustainability, their legacy is a powerful reminder of the sophistication of indigenous political systems.

YouTube | Haudenosaunee

The Story of LiquidFeedback

On March 15, 2025

LiquidFeedback is a framework for deliberation and collective decision-making designed to facilitate constructive debates. It is one of the most prominent implementations of liquid democracy. This episode will tell the "Story of LiquidFeedback" from its inception in 2009 to its participation in the PERYCLES project from 2025 onward. PERYCLES is funded by the European Union.

YouTube | The Story of LiquidFeedback